Thursday, January 9, 2014

Thursday Book Review - Believing God by Beth Moore

I'm so excited to have recently read my first ever book by Beth Moore, a well known Christian author and Bible teacher.  B&H Publishing made a few of her books available for free over the new year and I gobbled them up.  I plan to review many of them in the coming weeks and months for my Thursday book reviews. 

I read Believing God first and felt that it was absolutely perfect for this part of my journey as a Christian.  Priscilla Shirer introduced me to the concept of the Promised Land  in One in a Million: Journey to the Promised Land.  That was a life changer and I've read it probably a dozen times since then.  Each time I read it, I feel like I learn something new about how the Israelites exodus from Egypt relates to my own journey as a Christian. 

Believing God takes me another step as it really digs into what it means to have faith.  For many years, I thought faith was all about believing in God, which all Christians do.  But believing God, is an entirely different matter.  That requires diligently studying the Bible and dedicated time in prayer and reflection so that we can discern God's promise for our lives. 

Moore does an excellent job of laying this all out using a five statement pledge of faith that focuses on who God is, who we are in His eyes, and the power of the Word.  She encourages readers to memorize and internalize the pledge for those moments when we feel like we may be losing faith.  While it may seem awkward at first, I have to admit it has helped me when I feel my faith waning for whatever reason.  Moore also guides us through understanding how God has been there for us in our past and will be there for us in the present and future. 

Growing my faith is my top priority for this year.  I'm grateful for all of the Bible teachers that devoted their time and talents to educating people like me on how to do that.  If you know of any other good books on faith, please let me know!

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