Sunday, November 2, 2014

For Such a Time as This

I love the Book of Esther.  When I think of Esther, I think of patience, faithfulness, courage and diplomacy.  She used all of these traits to ultimately save her people.  She waited patiently on God, but when the time was right, showed great courage to fulfill His plan for her.  This is a difficult model to follow in today's world where we often feel we must "make things happen" in order to succeed.  When we fall short as students, spouses or parents, our self-esteem takes such a blow.  Its a difficult time to be a young girl or woman trying to find your way. 
For Such a Time as ThisThat is why I love author Angie Smith's new children's book for young girls entitled, For Such a Time as This. This Bible storybook brings to life forty stories of Biblical heroines like Esther, Mary Magdalene and Gomer with easy-to-read text and beautiful illustrations.  There are also summaries at the end of each story that "highlight the attribute of God to be learned and offer thoughtful reflections for both parent and child to takeaway."

I love the reflections in Esther's story.  Angie writes:

"Because of God's great power, we don't need to worry about our own weakness. When we step out in faith, choosing to believe that God is working through us instead of depending on us, we are free to live a life of courage. We don't have to be afraid that we aren't strong enough to do something or that we aren't big enough to take on challenges. Of course, we aren't strong or big when compared to God, but He is the One who carries our destinies.  When we think we can't do something alone, it isn't weakness; it's realizing the truth. God is in charge, and trust me, that's exactly how we should want it to be."

There are so many other lovely reflections for young girls like this in the book.  I pray that every young girl and woman I know will receive them into their heart...and believe!

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