Saturday, April 26, 2014

What is the Gospel? #RecoveringRedemption

If you're at all like me you may have found yourself sitting in church getting lost in this very question.  The sermon tends to gloss right over your head while you ponder what the pastor meant when he said he would be preaching straight from the gospel.  While my parents didn't "raise" me in a church, they believed in God and Jesus and I carried that belief into adulthood.  I attended church sporadically as an adult and can admit it wasn't until very recently that I finally began my journey out of the wilderness.

All that to say, when I received a copy of Recovering Redemption: A Gospel-Saturated Perspective on How to Change by Matt Chandler and Michael Snetzer, my first question was exactly what is the definition of the "gospel?"  Why is it important that this book is "gospel-saturated?"  I'm happy to say that the book did a wonderful job answering these fundamental questions. 

The gospel is essentially the teaching of Jesus Christ.  Why is it important to saturate this book on making fundamental changes to your life with the gospel?  As the book explains, without the gospel, it's hard to make lasting change.  We may change for a moment or a season, but we eventually find ourselves returning to old ways.  This book opens the door to understanding the struggle that we all face in our Christian walk and why our efforts to seek anything other than Him can frustrate our lives.  Your average self-help book can be very surface, but this one really helps you dig in and strengthen the foundation.  Anyone can change, but "Christ changes everything."

Recovering Redemption will release May 1.  I plan to share an excerpt in the coming weeks.  You can also learn more about the book here.  I can't wait to hear your thoughts!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Give Thanks

I don't know about you but sometimes the weekend plans are so daunting Saturday and Sunday seem like another day in the workweek.  My mind is constantly racing trying to figure out how to get through all of the games, tasks and projects.  It never fails that when I actually get to the project its rarely as hard as I made it in my mind.  Or, once I get to the game, I get so overwhelmed by the beauty of seeing kids have fun playing their heart out or just being silly, I give thanks to God for the privilege of being a parent.  ​As you head off into the weekend, I wanted to leave you with these simple words: give thanks in everything.  #ChildrenoftheDay

Friday, April 11, 2014

Heart Test

Boy did this speak to me today! Many a day I surprised myself by how far I have to go.  I feel that I am ready for so many things, but when my heart is truly tested, I am susceptible to heading in the wrong direction.  I'm grateful that I'm not failing as many tests as I did before.  I know that He who began a good work in me will complete it (Philippians 1:6)!  #ChildrenoftheDay

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Beth Moore and Priscilla Shirer Chat

Priscilla Shirer interviews Beth Moore,Friday, April 4, 2014 on her new Bible study, #ChildrenoftheDay!  The show starts at 6:30 p.m. CST, and you can watch it here:  Enjoy!